We are Baptist in Denomination
We are a local congregation that aligns with and participates in the Southern Baptist Convention.
We are Confessional in Doctrine
We hold to the following confessions of faith: The New Hampshire Confession of Faith, the 1689 London Baptist Confession, and the Baptist Faith and Message (2000).
We are Covenantal in Membership
Church membership matters. We believe members must affirm the responsibilities and expectations of membership and agree to submit to and be held accountable to and by the local church.
We are Expositional in Preaching
Expository preaching presents the meaning and intent of a biblical text, providing commentary and examples to make the passage clear and understandable. We believe that the lost are saved and Christians are grown when the Bible is preached and taught verse by verse.
We are Focused in Mission
We exist to glorify God in all things, by proclaiming the gospel of Christ to all people, so their lives are transformed for all time.